"Welcome to the United Kingdom! Please know that you are not alone on this journey, and we hope you find comfort and new beginning here in the UK."
"I’m using this opportunity to address a warm welcome for all who are fleeing from their own country looking for safety and liberty. I believe that everyone has the right to live a life free of fear, harm, violence and discrimination. I ask the authorities of the safe countries to feel conscious and compassionate in welcoming at least those who manage to reach their countries."
"Please feel welcome to the UK. We need you."
"A warm welcome to all that settle in Britain. This land of ours is your home too. There are many people that care, that hope for a better future for you, for the families and for those who seek shelter from a life they had to leave behind. Welcome."
"Welcome whoever you are! I’m happy to know you’ve arrived safely – I’m sure you miss people you’ve left behind and starting life here won’t be easy, but please remember you are welcome here (even if at times it doesn’t always feel that way) and I hope that one day this feels like home for you."
"Welcome to all who are fleeing from any regime that doesn’t respect human rights. You deserve a very warm welcome from citizens of this free democratic country."
"Welcome to the UK. I hope you will be safe here. There are so many people here who love you and care about you!"
"Hello my friends. Welcome to a new chapter of life. Its going to be hard, but I promise you its not harder than what we had in the past. Stay under the rain, the rainbow is for you."
"A hundred thousand welcomes I can weep with you But I’d rather laugh with you With open arms I say to you Welcome."
"Dear refugee, Welcome to our country. I hope you are treated well and will feel safe and happy here."
"To all refugees around the world, please know that you are not alone in your struggles. I firmly believe that everyone has the right to live a life free of fear, harm, violence, and discrimination."
"Refugees are welcome. I pray that they all find peace and shelter you are all brave and strong. Isata When you find safety, you find life."
"I wish that the refugees have peace and happiness in life."
"Anyone escaping oppression or violence is welcome here."
"Welcome to your new home. The community understands that you’ve been through a lot, and wants you to know that you are not alone. Here, you are safe, and the community is committed to helping you rebuild your life with dignity and respect. The community is here to support you, provide you with opportunities, and help you feel a part of the community. Your courage and resilience inspire, and the community is honoured to have you here. Welcome."
"I want to share with you my warmest welcome to the UK. Whatever you’ve gone through, I hope you can find happiness and security here for as long as you want it. Enjoy exploring the diversity of this country and thank you for coming and being a part of it."
"It’s heartwarming to see how communities across the United Kingdom are extending a warm welcome to refugees and asylum seekers. These acts of compassion and kindness help them rebuild their lives in a new home. There are over 70 million people in the world today who have been forced to leave their homes because of violence, persecution and war. Now is a time for unity and compassion, not a time to close our minds, our hearts, or our borders. We must stand together as one global community against the same intolerance and fear that drove so many people to flee their homes in the first place. Everyone has the right to be safe and to be treated with dignity. People who have fled because of war, violence and persecution need support to find safety and rebuild their lives."
"I know it’s hard leaving what you know but not all hope is lost. We welcome you and hope you feel safe and welcome in the United Kingdom. Migrant Help is here to help always."